Thursday, May 12, 2011


Ciao viewers!

This is my first blog entry, so bare with me. (Phew! That was hard enough to get out!). Clearly this is going to be painful until I can get used to this, not to mention I'm sure this will be rather dry. Lol!

Maybe, so I don't start off with the usual mumbo jumbo about myself (which you can find elsewhere), let's start off with some fashion and make-up.

I've been out of the loop lately, I haven't seen any new collections (probably because I'm trying to get my body back, 3 months post partum) so I was not inclined to buy a darn thing until. Not to mention, only looking and not buying makes any pussy jealous!

Some of my favorite mainstream, high-end favs are: Alexander McQueen, YSL, Chanel, Louis V...okay, STOP!!!! I must admit, I just opened an additional tab while composing this blog to peep out McQueens newest installment, and I must say the sights are GO-geous!

Who hasn't ever day dreamed of sporting AT LEAST one piece of McQueens garments even if it's those ridiculously enormous claw shoes that no normal citizen would ever wear, marching down grocery store aisles, without fresh produce thinking their latest catch was escaping on someone's feet via the express check out lane adorned and bedazzled! Explain that to the store manager.

Needless to say, like in my real everyday life, I've gotten very off topic, a bit scatter brained as my ________ (I have not decided what I will refer to my bf yet in my posts when he unfortunately comes up in topic, as I am rather confused myself. He's not a "fiance", he's not a "friend", I hate saying "lover", "significan other" is a negative, guess I'll just call him my "Patsy").

Well, until next time (which may be later today should I stumble upon an epiphany), if not I will surely be back before the weekend sets in, even if that's Sunday :-p


Your Sinful Vixen

Btw, I can't wait to get my first addicts!